Often times when you receive an error, or your shared drives are gone, you are unable to print, don't have internet access, programs aren't opening, your computer is just slower than usual, or many other random issues that can occur while using a computer, a restart or "reboot" will solve the issue. It is an important first step in the troubleshooting process and will fix a lot of computer issues quickly and on the spot. It is important to note that restarting or rebooting your computer is different from logging off/out, so if you've logged out and are still experiencing issues, try restarting instead. 

Restart before calling Help Desk

Before calling the IT Help Desk to place a trouble ticket, please restart your computer to see if it resolves your issue. The chances are that is one of the first things they will ask you to do, so restarting before you call can help expedite the troubleshooting process by ruling out a reboot as the solution.

Step-by-step guide

Windows 10

Before restarting your computer, you should close any open applications making sure to save your work if prompted.

The simplest way to restart your computer is from the Start button.

  1. Click on the Windows icon in the lower left of the Task Bar
  2. Click the Power button
  3. Click Restart

If your computer is extra slow and you are unable to restart by using the start button method, you can use the "Ctrl-Alt-Del" method instead.

  1. On your keyboard, simultaneously press the Ctrl, the Alt, and the Delete keys
  2. On the bottom right corner of the screen that comes up, use the mouse to click on the Power icon
  3. Click Restart from the menu that pops up

If your computer is completely frozen and neither of the above methods are working, you can instead use the "Magic Finger" method. This method should only be used if the previous two are not working.

  1. On the physical computer itself, press and hold the power button
  2. Continue to hold the power button until the computer shuts down (it may take up to 5 full seconds or longer)
  3. Let go of the power button

  4. Wait 5 more seconds and press (do not hold) the power button like normal and the machine will start back up

Apple OS X

Again before restarting your computer remember to save any work and close open programs.

  1. Click on the Apple icon in the upper left of the screen 

  1. Highlight "Restart...." and click.

You can also use the "Magic Finger" option of powering off. Again, only after attempting to restart properly.

Reboot at end of day

To help avoid needing to restart during the day while you are working, instead of just "logging out" or "locking" your computer when you leave to go home, try to get in the habit of restarting. You don't have to wait for your computer to finish coming back up since it will automatically log you out during the reboot process. Simply click restart and go.

If restarting your computer doesn’t resolve the issue you can create a trouble ticket by using the self help portal at http://itsupport.cwf.org or calling x7300