Intended Audience

People using our new OfficeLinx voicemail system include those who received a new phone in 2018/2019 and maybe also use Equinox software. These folks can access their voicemail mailbox by dialing 7070 on their desk phone or through Equinox, or they can call 757-220-7070 from an outside line. This is not to be confused with the older Audix voicemail system which uses extensions 7030 or 8200.

To log into OfficeLinx from an internal line, pick up your phone and enter:

  1. Dial: 7070
    1. Optionally, once the greeting starts, you can check a different extension's voicemail by pressing *, at which time you are prompted for the extension of the mailbox you care to access. 
  2. Enter your password followed by #

To log into OfficeLinx from an external line, pick up your phone and enter:

  1. Dial: 757-220-7070 (or locally, 220-7070)
  2. Once the greeting starts, press #
  3. Enter your own mailbox extension followed by #
  4. Enter your password followed by #

To listen to your voice mail (Choices flowchart):

  1. Log into OfficeLinx (see above)
  2. Press 2 – Listen to voice messages
    1. Note: Option 2 will not be available if you have no messages in your mailbox.
  3. View the below menu map to see further options.

To change your password:

  1. Log into OfficeLinx (see above)
  2. Press 5, then 4
  3. Enter the new password (up to 15 digits), followed by #
  4. Re-enter the new password again, followed by #

Don't use a password that uses:

  • Ascending or descending digits (Example 1234 or 4321)
  • The same digits (Example 00000)
  • Digits matching your name or initials (Example: 5646 for John)
  • The current year
  • The same number as your extension
  • A reverse extension
  • Numbers that identify you such as your social security number
  • A programmable function key or speed-dial key

To record your basic greeting:

  1. Log into OfficeLinx (see above)
  2. Press 3, then 1
    1. Press 1 to review your current greeting
    2. Press 2 to record a new greeting
      1. Speak you greeting at the tone
      2. Press # to approve

To record your name that identifies your voice mailbox:

  1. Log into OfficeLinx (see above)
  2. Press 5, then 5
    1. Press 1 to review your current name
    2. Press 2 to record a new name
  3. Press 1 to accept and save

Helpful Quick Reference Card:

Audix - Basics