Intended Audience

This article is for individuals who would like to disable Microsoft Teams from their Windows 10 startup

Step-by-step guide

  1. Start Task Manager.  This can be done by either pressing ALT+CTRL+DEL and then selecting Task Manager, or by right clicking on the task bar and selecting Task Manager. 

  2. Once Task Manager starts up you will see the window below, click on <More details> located in the lower left hand corner.

  3. Next select the Startup tab across the top to view what items "Startup" on logon.

  4. Locate and right click on Microsoft Teams from the list and then select to Enable or Disable.  You can alternatively select Microsoft Teams from the list and then click on the Enable or Disable button from the lower right corner.

  5. Microsoft Teams will not longer start on computer startup. 


This procedure will need to be followed each time a new user logs into a new computer that they have not used before.