Avaya Workplace (formally Equinox) on Smartphones

Intended Users

Those who wish to have the Avaya Workplace app on their smartphone.

We have had trouble when people try following these instructions and their smartphone is connected to the "Staff Secure" Wi-Fi at CW. We recommend temporarily disabling your Wi-Fi on your smartphone while following these steps if you are on CW property.

  1. Install the Avaya Workplace app from the Apple AppStore or Google Play.
  2. Upon opening it, you will be walked through these prompts:

    Do not enter your email address or click next. Instead…

    …click the gear in the top right corner. Tap on Use a Web Address.

    Enter this web address: Bit.ly/eqxcwf
    Tap next.

    At the next prompt, enter your normal CWF computer account credentials. Your username can just be your first initial and last name, without @cwf.org appended to it.

    At this point the app should open and should be logged in with your credentials. If you ever change your password you will need to update it on this app.