Cell Phone/Smart Phone/Tablet Policy


This Policy applies to any cellular telephone, including smart phones, such as Blackberry, Droid and iPhone, and to tablet devices, such as the iPad, and to any device that makes or receives phone calls, leaves messages, sends text messages, surfs the Internet, or downloads and allows for the reading of and responding to email whether the device is Colonial Williamsburg-supplied or personally owned (individually, a "Mobile Device" and together "Mobile Devices").  Mobile Devices enable fast communications, remote wireless network connectivity and more productive mobile employees. However, such devices add significant operating expenses and create additional security concerns for the organization.  This Policy exists to control costs, secure organization data and protect mobile devices, and the data they contain, from theft. For additional information on Colonial Williamsburg policies applicable to Mobile Devices, see the Email & Internet Policy located on the Intranet. 

Personal Mobile Devices

While Colonial Williamsburg email can be loaded onto personal mobile devices, IT will not provide support for private phones. Additionally, Colonial Williamsburg will not pay the cost of any Mobile Devices other than those provided through IT, including costs for applications (apps), usage costs (on air minutes), music, videos, text messaging, telephone calls, or monthly service fees. 


All Colonial Williamsburg employees who use a Colonial Williamsburg-owned Mobile Device or who use a personally-owned Mobile Device that synchronizes information with Colonial Williamsburg's electronic resources are responsible for securing all such devices to prevent sensitive Colonial Williamsburg data from being lost or compromised, viruses being spread, and other forms of abuse of Colonial Williamsburg's information technology infrastructure. If a smartphone or tablet device, whether personal or owned by Colonial Williamsburg that contains Colonial Williamsburg information or access to Colonial Williamsburg resources is lost, stolen, or believed to be compromised, the employee must report the incident to IT immediately. 

Protect the Mobile Device

To ensure that data accessed through Mobile Devices is secure, especially in the event the Mobile Device is misplaced, stolen or believed to be compromised, all Mobile Devices that synchronize with Colonial Williamsburg's electronic resources are required to be secured with password ("PIN") The Mobile Device must be configured to delete all information on the device if the "PIN" is entered incorrectly 10 times. The PIN should be changed periodically, but at least every 3 months. 

Report Stolen or Lost Mobile Device

If the Mobile Device is misplaced, stolen or potentially compromised, immediately report it to the IT Help Desk. In some cases, a Mobile Device can be remotely deactivated and data purged to prevent email or other sensitive data from being exposed as long as the device has a live connection. It is important that you make a note of the IT identification number of your device, which we can use to identify the model and vendor. 


Reduce security risk by limiting the use of your device to only necessary applications and services. In addition, other benefits are extended battery life, increased memory storage, increased application performance, efficient synchronization time and reduced management of security updates for applications. Bluetooth and Infrared (IR) are services that should be configured properly or turned off because they can potentially pose a risk to your device and data. Applications that relate to your work for Colonial Williamsburg will be reimbursed through the standard reimbursement process. Colonial Williamsburg credit cards may never be used or associated with an Apple account or used for personal applications. IT will not assist in installing and supporting personal applications for any Mobile Device. 

Perform Regular Data Backups and Charge the Mobile Device

Back up your data on a regular basis in case the Mobile Device is lost, damaged or loses battery life. When not in use, always charge the Mobile Device. The loss of power can potentially cause all stored information to be erased. 

Return, Replace, Dispose of Your Mobile Device

When you are ready to return, replace, or dispose of an iOS Mobile Device, you must remove the Apple ID from iCloud settings and turn off the 'Find my iPhone' feature. All Mobile Devices must be restored to "factory defaults," which can be accomplished by a "hard reset." Contact the IT Help Desk for assistance. 

Do not use the Mobile Device While Driving

Any employee who uses a Colonial Williamsburg-supplied Mobile Device or a Colonial Williamsburg-supplied vehicle is prohibited from using the Mobile Device while driving, whether the business conducted is personal or Colonial Williamsburg-related. This prohibition includes the use of hands-free devices and receiving or placing calls, text messaging, surfing the Internet, receiving or responding to email, checking for phone messages, or any other purpose related to your employment; the business; our customers; our vendors; meetings, or civic responsibilities performed for or attended in the name of Colonial Williamsburg; or any other Colonial Williamsburg or personal activity or business not named here while driving. 

Personal Use of Mobile Devices

Use of Colonial Williamsburg-owned Mobile Devices for personal business should be minimized, and except in emergencies, may not interfere with your Colonial Williamsburg duties or those of your co-workers and may not cause inconvenience for our guests.

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