If you have recently installed the new IBM ACS product and formally had the IBM i Access Client for Windows, it could be possible you had macros recorded that you need to migrate to the new IBM ACS application. Macros are nothing more than a recording of keystrokes that you do often, which can be replayed with a single click to save you some time. While CW's IT Support team does not support macros you have recorded for yourself (because of the infinite things macros could be recorded to do), we can show you how you can record them for yourself, or show you how you can to convert them for use in IBM ACS.

Convert Existing Macros:

A macro conversion utility is available. From the Session Manager:

  1. Tools->Convert Macro...
  2. Select the macro you need to convert and press the convert button.

Technical Note:
The macro conversion utility may not be able to convert a macro if the macro is a custom macro that contains more than just recorded key strokes.

Record/Re-Record Macros:

You can record new macros or re-record former macros by following the steps presented in this pre-recorded video presented by our IBM partner, iTech Solutions: https://youtu.be/HK3NhjUDGC4 

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