Using the Email Vote Buttons

If you receive an email from Jira Notifications ( you have been identified as an approver in your area for a Hospitality Approval Request.

Here is an example of the email mentioned. The Approval Groups section of the email indicates what groups need to approve the package. If there is only one group, only your evaluation is required.

The buttons at the bottom of this email are functional, clicking Approve will immediately submit your vote. If you Decline, you will be asked to provide a comment explaining why you declined. If any groups decline, the request will transition to a rewrite status. If the request is resubmitted for evaluation you will receive another email with the vote buttons.

In the Customer Portal

  1. Navigate to Help Center - Service Desk in your web browser.
  2. In the top right part of the browser window you will see your profile icon. Beside it will be a button labeled Requests, click on it to expand its options and then click Approvals.
  3. You will see a screen similar to the one pictured below, populated with requests you need to evaluate.

  4. Click on a pending request to show its details and the vote buttons. If you click decline, you are asked to leave a comment about why you declined.

In Jira (only if you have user permissions as well as permission to the project)

  1. Open the Awaiting Approval queue in the project:

  2. Click on the request you wise to evaluate.
  3. Under the summary of the request you will see a number of buttons. Approve is shown by default, you will need to click More in order to select Decline. If you click Decline please leave a comment detailing why you declined the request.