In May of 2024 the End User Services deployed a "Help Desk Toolkit" on all workstations. This collection of links and tools is designed to help users navigate mapping network drives, printers and other common tasks associated with their computer and CW's IT resources. It also includes helpful tools the IT Help Desk may ask you to use to aid in troubleshooting any problems that may occur.
The new folder will be on your desktop and look like this
The contents inside should appear like so:
This new Toolkit includes multiple tools to help make troubleshooting issues easier and interacting with the Help Desk a smoother process.
Below is a list of the different parts of the Toolkit and a brief description of how they can be utilized
Initial Troubleshooting
These tools will live under the folders. Currently we ask that you you use the "Restart Computer" prior to submitting a ticket as this will solve a large percentage of the problems you are experiencing.
Add a Network Folder
Here you will be able to map any network drive by Double-Clicking on the "Admin & qAdmin" or "Netapps & Bass" icons
All "Netapps" are linked to the same shares (netapp1, netapp2, netapp3) and all of the Admin & qAdmin are linked to the same shares.
You will then see a list of network drives available to be mapped
All you have to do is right-click and select "Map Network Drive"
You can now select a Drive letter to associate with that Network Share (Normally this is trivial and doesn't matter)
Reconnect at Sign-in
Be sure you select "Reconnect at Sign-In" in order for the Shared Drive to be available every time you login.
Add a Printer
Here you will see 3 options:
Add Printer by Name
Printer List A
Printer List B
If you know the exact name of your printer you can select "Add Printer by Name" which will open a Command Prompt to input the name of the printer
Follow the Instructions and hit the "Enter" key on your keyboard
It will then give you a status message if the printer was added successfully or not
If you select "Printer List A" or "Printer List B" you will have to search each list for the name of your printer.
Naming Convention
Starting in 2024 all new printers moved or installed follow a specific naming convention. MFD (large floor standing units) or PR (Desktop sized printers) followed by the building short name FSO (Franklin Street Offices) further followed by the ending of the T# 123456 (ex. PRFSO123456)
Common Shortcuts
This is a simple repository for commonly used shortcuts
IT Tools
This folder can be used in conjunction with the End User Services team for troubleshooting. We may ask you to run one of these files to assist in troubleshooting some of your issues
If you would like to see new tools or changes to the IT Help Desk Toolkit please submit them here: